


日本人にとって当たり前すぎて疑問にも思わないこと、外国人に聞かれて困ることありますよね? 特に留学やワーホリなど、海外に行くと自国の文化が話題に出やすいもの。でも起源や単語を調べて…、なんて結構大変な作業です。ここに「お箸」についてまとめてみたので、会話に役立ててみましょう。


What is special about Japanese chopsticks? 




Chopsticks have been the preferred utensil in the kitchens and on the tables of East Asia. Although they share the same basic shape across the region, there are subtle but important differences in materials and designs between countries.

Traditional Japanese chopsticks are made of coated or polished wood. A lacquer called "urushi", derived from tree sap, is the traditional coating with synthetic resins also being used in modern times. Polished chopsticks are uncoated to highlight the natural wood grain. Japanese chopsticks are pointier than in other countries as there are many dishes which benefit from higher precision, such as those with lots of small fish bones.


Besides traditional chopsticks, plastic and disposable wooden or bamboo chopsticks are now commonplace.

Disposable chopsticks known as "waribashi" are found in all but the most expensive restaurants, and are included with bento boxes purchased from supermarkets and convenience stores. Waribashi are indeed an important convenience of the modern Japanese lifestyle.



Japanese children begin with training chopsticks at the age of two. These are designed with little rings on the sides that act as finger-guides to help children maintain correct form under guidance from their parents and teachers. Once they get familiar with the idea of chopsticks, children are taught how to eat different types of dishes and also about chopstick etiquette.



Chopsticks used for cooking in Japan are usually much longer than those used at the table, at around 30cm in length. These are known as "saibashi" and are designed to prevent burning the cook's hands. Nonetheless, some skillful cooks can actually prepare dishes such as omelets using regular length chopsticks.



ライタープロフィール●Yurika L Fabre





