


将来の進学先などで海外の大学も考えている人に向けて、他の国の大学生って一体どんな大学生活をしているのか、気になりませんか? どうしてその大学に行くことにしたのか、実際の大学生活はどうなのか、気になるあなたの代わりに聞いてみました。留学先を決めるにも、留学した後の学習や生活のイメージをつかむのにお役立てください。インタビューは英語に日本語訳もあります。英語のインタビューはどれだけ理解できるか、先に英語を読んでみましょう。






Name: Joshua Allen

ジョシュア アレンさん

Age: 19


School, Major, Year: University of Hawaii at Manoa, Communications, Sophomore

学校・学部・学年:ハワイ大学マノア校  コミュニケーション学科 2年生

Birthplace: Oahu, Honolulu


Residence (home, dormitory, share room, etc.): home, Kailua






Why did you choose your college and major?

It’s an affordable alternative but it’s still a great school and I chose communications because it’s a broad major. Since I enjoy music, it gives me more of an opportunity than other majors to expose myself or find a job working with music.




How do you like your college life? Do you think you made a good decision to choose this college? Is the college hard or easy? Which parts are hard and easy? Are the lectures interesting? 

I think its great! However time goes by way too quick, which means I’m getting older but I am also learning how to manage my time better. Yes, I think I made a great decision to choose UH Manoa. It can be hard, as well easy but I guess it depends on what I’m studying and what I’m more skillfully inclined in. Yes, lectures can be interesting. It just depends on the instructor and the course of study. 

大学生活、実際はどうですか? 選んで良かった? 難しい? それとも簡単? また、授業のどんなところがおもしろい? 

 大学生活は素晴らしいよ! 時間がすごく速く過ぎていく感じ。自分が年齢を重ねていってるからだと思うんだけど、自分の時間をうまくコントロールすることを学んでるところなんだよね。ハワイ大学マノア校を選んだのは、本当にいい判断だったと思ってる。大変なこともあれば、簡単にできることもある、それも、自分が学んでいるものにもよるし、自分がうまくできるものかにもよるよね。授業は面白いよ。先生や勉強の内容にもよるけどね。


What do you like about the college and the environment of this college? 

Well, I like how the campus looks pretty nice, a lot of cool looking flowers and trees and as well as nice mountains. I also like the location, it’s kind of in town but close to Ala Moana, Waikiki and McCully. It’s kind of like a crowded and cool Kailua. And I also like how the campus is spaced out a bit.




What kind of friends you have? 

I have dedicated, outgoing, athletic, competitive as well as bright friends.




How much monthly allowance do you get from your parents? How do you save your money?

$80 and I save by not eating out too much.

毎月のおこづかいはいくら? どうやって節約してるの?



What kind of stuff do you always carry with you? Or what are your favorite things you have? Why?

My wallet, phone, earphones. Magazines, vinyl because the feeling of having a tangible version of things that are pretty much digitalized now feels refreshing and memorable.

いつも持ち歩いているモノ、お気に入りのモノは? そしてその理由は?



What are you interested in currently? What do you think about it? (Hobby, local news, gossip, family, friends, politics, economy)

Music; magazines, documentaries, radio interviews, blogs and basketball. It’s a hobby that could possibly become some type of job in the future, and my parents are an influence on music.

今気になることは何、そしてそれについてどう思う? (趣味・事件・ゴシップ・ローカルニュース・家族・友達・政治・経済のことなんでも)



What is your future goal?

I don’t know exactly how my future will pan out, however I do know that I would love to have a job working with music. I would love to get the experience and work in New York, and it would be amazing if I could get into The Fader. Otherwise, my other future goals include running my own small business of some sort. Possibly, an independent record label or print magazine with a media website or a film production company. But yeah, who knows, hope it will be awesome!


 僕の将来がどんな風になるか、はっきりは分からないけど、音楽に関する仕事に就きたいっていうのははっきりしてる。経験を積んで、ニューヨークで働きたい。The Fader(ニューヨークが拠点の音楽雑誌)に入れたらいいな。あるいは、自分でビジネスを始めるのもいいかなと思ってる。レコードレーベルか、ウェブサイトを持つ雑誌社か、映像製作会社か。でもさ、将来なんて分かんないよね、素晴らしいものになるといいけどね!











