5フレーズ英語で伝える日本文化|お寺と神社 Temples and shrines


留学したり外国人の友だちと話していると、日本について聞かれて困ったり、日本について説明したいことってありますよね? 起源や単語を調べて…、なんて結構大変な作業です。5つの英語フレーズでまとめてみたので、ぜひ会話に役立てて、日本のことも知っておきましょう。

In Japan, there are many historical buildings. Temples and shrines are among the most popular of these historical buildings.







A temple will have a Buddha statue and a monk living and preaching Buddhism in the temple.

Buddha statue rests on a pedestal where the history of 1,500 years in Japan.






Shrine is where the Japanese god in SHINTOISM in worshipped and an entrance gate (Torii) at a shine because a shrine is considered a divine area where the deity or spirits would descend, so Torii separates the regular world and this sanctuary.





At a shine, bow once in front of the Torii before entering. Then purify (wash) your hands and mouth at the designated area. Proceed to the shrine to give a money offering, and finish with the following ritual: bow twice, clap twice, and bow once before leaving.

At a temple, bow once in front of the gate, purify (wash) your hands and mouth, make a money offering, but then only pray and bow. In a temple, there is no clapping.






Lots of Japanese will go to a shrine to worship on New Year/New Year’s Eve, but have a funeral at a Buddhist temple. Japan has no problem accepting both religions since Buddhism and Shintoism not in conflict with each other.









