



“Art is wonderfully despite the black thick outlines around the characters.”



“The movements of the characters were so flawless and realistic. The art was amazing other than that the characters popped out from the background too much. That is simply because they were outlined too thickly. That is the artists style so I'm not complaining. I love outfits and their weapons. The gear was original and something I had never seen before. ”



“The art is smooth, detailed, beautiful, it really does show the horrified and distressed looks on the characters faces. The backgrounds are pretty too, and nothing ever seems out of place.”






“The intro and outro songs suited the anime perfectly.”



“Sound is one of its bright aspects, as the opening(first) is very engaging at fitting, and many scenes had perfect music to describe its mood/tensity.”



Sawano’s music, on its own, is nothing special. There are few subtle appeals to emotion since his pieces are raw and loud, getting in your face without showing a twinge of shyness. In doing so, they perfectly depict Attack on Titan’s gritty, harrowing atmosphere, where the eponymous monstrosities keep humanity cowering behind city walls that seemingly delay rather than prevent the inevitable.



日本での“リンホラ”人気とは打って変わって、海外ではむしろ、作曲家・澤野弘之さんが手がける挿入歌のクオリティを評価する人が多い様子。 このように飽きさせないストーリー展開とアニメの映像美、澤野さんの紡ぎ出すサントラのクオリティを中心に高い評価が集まっているようです。なかには、


“My only complaint about this show, is the translation for the title. I could throw up a whole rant up here about the title but I won't. (Attack by Titans? just saying”

『進撃』の唯一の不満はタイトルの英訳だね。不満を全部ぶちまけてもいいんだけどしないよ。(『Attack by Titans』じゃないの?ちょっと言ってみただけ)


という意見も。英語タイトルの『Attack on Titan』を和訳すると、「巨人へ進撃」という意味になることから、アニメの内容とタイトルとの整合性がとれていないと疑問が生じている状況もあるようです。


まだまだ『進撃の巨人』の快“進撃”は続くのか!? あなたも海外サイトの反応、覗いてみては?

