日本のバレンタインデーを英語で説明しよう~Valentine's Day in Japan~



日本人にとって当たり前すぎて疑問にも思わないこと、外国人に聞かれて困ることありますよね? 起源や単語を調べて…、なんて結構大変な作業です。ここにまとめてみたので、会話したり指さしなどしてコミュニケーションしてみましょう。









What is valentine's day like in Japan?

As soon as the New Year holiday is over in Japan, supermarkets and convenience stores start promoting Valentines’s Day. Stores are decorated in red and pink, with displays of many different types of chocolate. Valentine's Day sees the biggest amount and variety of chocolates displayed in stores than at any other time of year. There are many chocolates with cute characters, high-quality brand name chocolates, and even homemade chocolate kits are available.


Valentine’s Day in Japan is different than in the West. Rather than couples exchanging cards or gifts, only women give gifts on Valentine's Day in Japan. Normally the gift is of chocolate, and if this is given to someone the woman loves it is called “Honmei-choco”. This uniquely Japanese take on Valentine’s Day started in 1960s when a confectionery company ran a promotion encouraging women to send chocolate to men they like, which was a clever way to increase sales by giving Japanese women an excuse to send a gift to a man they cared about.


There are also other types of chocolate gifts. “Giri-choco” are given by women to male friends, colleagues and bosses as a sign of appreciation of their relationship, although some companies recently discouraged or even banned “Giri-choco” culture in the office. “Tomo-choco” are exchanged between friends and do not necessarily need to be given to a male. These are are priced from 50yen for young children to about 3,000yen on average.


While in Japan women give on Valentine's Day, they expect men to reciprocate on "White Day", which is a month later on March 14th. Good gifts for men to give women on White Day include candies, cookies, marshmallows and of course chocolate.



ライタープロフィール●Yurika L Fabre







