
箸渡し Passing between chopsticks



“Hashi watashi” (passing between chopsticks) is the Japanese funeral ritual where the family members of the deceased pass the cremated bones from chopsticks to chopsticks into the burial urn.



There are local variations in the procedures, but in general the bones of the deceased are either picked up in pairs by a man and a woman together or handed over from person to person using chopsticks.




This ritual is carried out with the hope that the spirit can safely cross the Sanzu River, which is believed to run between this world and the world after death, as the expression “hashi watashi” shares the same sound with the word “bridging”.



In this ritual, an unmatched pair of chopsticks is used, one being made of bamboo and the other of wood; it is said that this may either symbolize a man and a woman or the deep grief of loss.




In Japan, it is considered a taboo to pass food from one pair of chopsticks to another during a meal as it is associated with this ritual. 


