侘び寂び Wabisabi

“Wabi-sabi” is a Japanese aesthetic concept that has greatly influenced the Japanese people in various areas from haiku poetry and Noh theatre to tea ceremony and modern art.
The words “wabi” and “sabi” were originally used separately, but today they are usually combined together as one expression.
“Wabi” is the attitude of seeking beauty and inner contentment in simplicity and imperfection, and this concept is said to have developed alongside the spirit of the tea ceremony during the Muromachi Period (1336-1573).
“Sabi” is the attitude of seeking beauty in withered things where their internal essence is oozing out to the surface, an example of which is a stone covered with moss.
The spirit of “wabi-sabi” is not contained only in Japan but has substantially impacted Western art, architecture, literature, and movie making, and it is known to be one of the design philosophies of Jack Dorsey, a founder of Twitter.