英検®にチャレンジしよう!準1級の練習問題 – 長文QA
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英検®準1級リーディング大問3 長文問題
Read the passage and choose the best answer from among the four choices for each question.
Iced tea and tea bags
You may think it is so natural to drink iced tea on a hot summer’s day. You may also assume that tea bags were invented to adapt to the busy modern life. The truth is that people didn’t have the habit of enjoying iced tea until the beginning of the 20th century. As for tea bags, the “inventor” didn’t intend to use them as we do today. In fact, many inventions were made in unintended ways.
Iced tea was invented at the World Fair in St. Louis in 1904. An exhibiting tea merchant had a serious problem. Because of a heat wave, no one wanted to try free samples of hot tea he had prepared. He didn’t want his precious tea to go to waste. To save his investment, he put a load of ice into the brewed tea. Thus, he succeeded in transforming his pinch into his chance. The attendees appreciated the world’s first iced tea so much that they even lined up to taste it.
Another tea merchant made the first tea bags in history without even knowing it. In 1908, the New York merchant sent tea samples sealed in silk bags to eateries around the mega city. He thought the café owners would empty the bags to put tea leaves into the pot. However, some assumed that these were supposed to be put directly into the pot, finding this way of brewing very convenient. About 20 years later, the first tea bag packing machine was invented, this time with full intention, in Germany.
(1) According to the text, inventors…
1 …always do full research to create something innovative.
2 …didn’t imagine the climate would dramatically change.
3 …are not always conscious about the impact of what they are doing.
4 …should observe our society to know what is really needed.
(2) Why was iced tea invented at the World Fair in St Louis?
1 To save hot tea which would otherwise have been thrown away.
2 Because an attendee who was suffering the hot weather asked to make iced tea.
3 To dilute too strong tea with ice so that it would please American people’s taste.
4 At the request of a wealthy investor who wanted ice in his brewed tea.
(3) Who invented the first tea bags?
1 A tea merchant and a business person who collaborated to open a café in New York.
2 Café owners who used to open tea bags to get tea leaves.
3 A café worker who had to serve clients quickly.
4 A tea merchant who wanted cafes and restaurants to try his products
(1) 3 …are not always conscious about the impact of what they are doing.
(2) 1 To save hot tea which would otherwise have been thrown away.
-第二段落の中ほどにHe didn’t want his precious tea to go to waste. To save his investment, he put a load of ice into the brewed tea.とある。この場合のinvestmentは、仕入れた茶葉やホットティーを作るための道具や燃料、出店のための手間や費用を指すと考えられる。
2 本文には、猛暑のせいで誰もホットティーを欲しがらなかったとはあるが、来場者のひとりがアイスティーを頼んだとは書いてない。
4 裕福な投資家の話は出てこない。
(3) 4 A tea merchant who wanted cafes and restaurants to try his products
-第三段落の二行目から、ニューヨークの実業家がシルクの袋に入れた紅茶のサンプルを飲食店に送ったとある。eateriesをcafes and restaurantsと言い換え、sent tea samplesをwanted… to try his products と言い換えた4が正解。
-二文目のThe New York merchantは一行目のanother merchantの言い換え。
-二文目末のthe mega cityはNew Yorkの言い換え。
(1) 本文によれば、発明家は・・・
1 ・・・何か革新的なものを作ろうと常に十分リサーチしている。
2 ・・・気候が劇的に変化するとは想像しなかった。
3 ・・・自分がしていることの影響を常に意識しているわけではない。
4 ・・・何が本当に必要とされているかを知るために社会を観察するべきだ。
(2) なぜセントルイスの世界博覧会でアイスティーが発明されたのでしょう。
1 そうしなければ捨てられてしまったであろうホットティーを無駄にしないため。
2 暑さに苦しんでいたある入場者がアイスティーを作るよう頼んだから。
3 濃すぎる紅茶を氷で薄めてアメリカ人の好みに合うようにするため。
4 自分の紅茶に氷を入れてほしいという裕福な投資家の依頼に応じて。
(3) 誰が最初のティーバッグを作りましたか。
1 ニューヨークに共同でカフェを開いた紅茶業者と実業家
2 ティーバッグを開いて茶葉を取り出していたカフェのオーナーたち
3 お客さんに素早く飲み物を出さなければならなかったドイツのカフェの従業員
4 カフェやレストランに自分の商品を試してほしいと思った紅茶業者
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