英検®にチャレンジしよう!準1級の練習問題 – 長文QA
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英検®準1級リーディング大問3 長文問題
Read the passage and choose the best answer from among the four choices for each question.
Cattle, Tourism and Environment
The mass production of dairy products has radically changed the farming landscape. In certain countries, we cannot see any cows grazing in fields, so such scenes are more common in fairy tales or on tourist sites. Modern cows are in pens, and they eat a synthetic diet comprised of foods that have been imported from other countries.
It is certain that old-fashioned farming cannot survive in a harsh market, but cutting-edge farms have their own downsides, and these become more visible to the public when feed grains rise in price or when cows become sick.
Regions still exist where cattle are raised in traditional ways. One of these places is Switzerland. It is hard to imagine it without cows and goats on green hills, although we know it is also a highly industrialized country. So, how do they manage to maintain scenery that resembles a wonderland?
Actually, its government offers farmers direct payments to take care of the landscape. As tourism is one of the country's most important industries, it is crucial to keep the land in good condition. Cattle are also an important feature.
Furthermore, there is more to this than just making tourists happy. There are many domestic animals and fruit trees facing extinction just because they do not generate much money, and, as a result, no one wants to care for them. These flora and fauna are often ancient species that support the ecosystem. Therefore, we can say that the subsidy is also instrumental for the health of our environment.
(1) According to the text, what is one impact of producing dairy products on a large scale?
1. It destroyed farms and caused a decrease in the number of cows.
2. What was once a normal scene has become something rare.
3. They abolished farms to make tourist sites.
4. They abandoned farming in order to build factories so that they could make synthetic products.
(2) What is one occasion when people become aware of the negative aspects of modern farming?
1. When the price of milk and cheese increases.
2. When their government has to cut the budget to help farmers.
3. When they travel in other countries.
4. When they are well-informed and able to judge correctly.
(3) What is written about Switzerland?
1. It is the only country where they raise cattle in the old-fashioned way.
2. It compromised its farms to industrialize all of its regions.
3. They created a theme park to attract more tourists.
4. The country is developed, but it still has some traditional scenery.
(4) What is written about endangered species?
1. It is only wild species that may go extinct because people do not take care of them.
2. We have to look after ancient species and get rid of refined species.
3. Hospitality for tourists is more important than endangered species.
4. People tend to neglect domestic animals and fruit trees that are less productive.
(1) 2. What was once a normal scene has become something rare.
(2) 1. When the price of milk and cheese increases.
(3) 4. The country is developed, but it still has some traditional scenery.
-第三段落にone of these placesとあるので、スイスだけとした選択肢1は誤り。
(4) 4. People tend to neglect domestic animals and fruit trees that are less productive.
-最後の段落のthey do not generate much money, and, as a result, no one wants to care for themを言い換えたのが選択肢4である。選択肢2は前半は正しいかもしれないが、後半は本文に無い。
(1) 本文によれば、乳製品の大量生産による影響のひとつは何か。
1. 農場が破壊され、牛の数が減った。
2. かつては当たり前の風景だったものが珍しいものになった。
3. 彼らは農場を廃止し、観光地を作った。
4. 合成された製品を作る工場を建てるために農場を見捨てた。
(2) 近代的な酪農の悪い面に人々が気づく機会のひとつは何か。
1. 牛乳やチーズの値段が上がるとき。
2. 政府が農民のための助成金を削減しなければならないとき。
3. 外国を旅行するとき。
4. 情報を得て、正しい判断ができるとき。
(3) スイスに関して何が書かれているか。
1. 伝統的な方法で家畜を育てている唯一の国である。
2. 国の全ての地域を工業化するため、農場を犠牲にした。
3. 観光客を呼ぶためにテーマパークを作った。
4. 国は発展しているが、伝統的な光景が残っている。
(4) 危機に瀕した品種について何が書かれているか。
1. 絶滅する可能性があるのは、人間が世話をしない野生の品種のみである。
2. 私たちは古い品種の世話をして、品種改良された種は駆除しなければならない。
3. 観光客のおもてなしは危機に瀕した品種よりも大切である。
4. 人々は実利を産まない家畜や果樹をないがしろにしがちである。
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