彼らは近代国家建設に要する技術習得のために日本人のドイツ留学を時の日本政府に進言し、政府は建築技師として妻木頼黄・渡辺譲・河合浩蔵の3人、石工・大工・人造石左官・煉瓦職・ペンキ職・屋根職・石膏職の高等職人17人で構成された総勢20人の青年をドイツに留学・派遣した。Based on Ende and Beckmann's suggestion that some delegates be sent to Germany to study and acquire the necessary techniques required for building a modern state, the Japanese government sent a learning mission to Germany consisting of 20 young Japanese people including Yorinaka TSUMAKI, Yuzuru WATANABE, Kozo KAWAI and 17 senior workmen who specialized in stonemasonry, carpentry, artificial stonemasonry, brick-laying, painting, roofing and plastering.Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
この改造は練達の日本人大工の手によって実施された。The modifications on the main bodies were done by experienced Japanese carpenters.Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
当時の客車は台車や台枠は鉄製だが壁や屋根を含む本体は木造であり、この改造は練達の日本人大工の手によって実施された。Although the passenger train's chasis and frame at the time were build with iron, the main structure including walls and roof were wooden built and their modification was done by skilled Japanese master carpenters.Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
大道寺に見られるように既存の仏教寺院の建物を転用するか、新たに建てた場合も、日本人の大工を用い、日本の建築様式(とくに仏教寺院のそれ)を踏襲して建てられた。As can be seen at Daido-ji Temple, whether existing Buddhist temples were converted to churches or new structures constructed, Japanese carpenters were used and Japanese architectural styles (in particular Buddhist temple styles) were emulated.Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス