

「豊臣 秀吉」を含む英語表現検索結果
The founder of the Uraku school, Nagamasu ODA, was the younger brother of Nobunaga ODA, and after the Honnoji Incident, Nagamasu first served Nobukatsu ODA, who was the second son of Nobunaga, and realized the compromise of the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute, and after Nobukatsu was punished by being deprived of his fief, Nagamasu served Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, and after Hideyoshi died, Nagamasu served Ieyasu TOKUGAWA.
But, Asahi yaki seems to have been highly appreciated since the Momoyama period when tea ceremony had arisen and prospered, and Jirouemon Tosaku OKUMURA, originator of Asahi yaki, was praised by Taiko (father of the Imperial adviser) Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI and then changed the letters of his name from 藤作 (literally, grower of wisteria) to 陶作 (creator of pottery) both of which remain unchanged in pronunciation.
An opinion is widely held that Sokei TANAKA who was the father of the second head of the family, Jokei RAKU was given a seal with the engraved character 'Raku' taken from the name of Jurakudai from Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, and he began to use the seal and called his Yago (family name) Raku.
醍醐の花見(だいごのはなみ)とは、慶長3年3月15日 (旧暦)(1598年4月20日)に豊臣秀吉が京都の醍醐寺において、豊臣秀頼、高台院、淀殿ら近親の者を初めとして、諸大名からその配下の者など約1300名を従えて盛大に催した花見の宴である。
Daigo no Hanami refers to the blossom-viewing party held in grand style at Daigo-ji Temple in Kyoto on April 20, 1598 by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI with about 1,300 people, including feudal lords and their vassals, as well as his family members such as Hideyori TOYOTOMI, Kodaiin and Yodo-dono.
Jugo Gien, the eightieth head priest and chief restorer of Daigo-ji Temple, which had been deserted since the Onin War, had a good relationship with Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, overseeing his entry into the priesthood, and since he felt that Hideyoshi was near the end of his life, he quietly made arrangements for the Daigo no Hanami so that the greatest hero of the age would have an appropriate stage.
However, unlike Rikyu, who was appointed to the important post of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI's tea master, Kenchu led a secluded life in the north, immersing himself in the tea ceremony.
It is said that his instructor was Ichiami, Ido no Kami (a person who takes care of a well) in Samegai, who supplied ladles to Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI and was praised as being 'the best in the country.'
Later tea books (such as "Sogetsu Sashiwa Shu" and "Teiyoshu") provide an anecdote: Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI allowed only a few number of people (called the Seven Daisu Tea Masters) to learn the tea ceremony that utilized daisu which was reformed by SEN no Rikyu.
The tea ceremony with daisu was reformed by Rikyu, and was decided to be kept a secret by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, and seven people were sworn to secrecy by Hideyoshi.
北野大茶湯(きたのおおちゃのゆ)とは、天正15年10月1日 (旧暦)(グレゴリオ暦1587年11月1日)に京都北野天満宮境内において豊臣秀吉が主催した大規模な茶会のこと。
The Kitano Grand Tea Ceremony on November 1, 1587 organized by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI on the grounds of Kitano Tenmangu Shrine is a large scale tea ceremony.
後に豊臣秀吉の手に渡り、京都の愛宕神社 (京都市)に奉納された。
Later, it was acquired by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI and dedicated to Atago-jinja Shrine (Kyoto City).
When Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI carried out taiko kenchi (the cadastral surveys conducted by Hideyoshi), he also established standards for weights and measures and established "kyomasu" for volume.
The largest-scaled hanami in that period was Daigo no Hanami which was held by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI.
Sarugaku was also performed by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, Ieyasu TOKUGAWA and Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA (who later became shogun), as well as other feudal lords.
As a historical document pertaining to Karasumi, there is a document that apparently states that Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI ate Karasumi.
However, it is thought that the significance of seppuku gradually changed after Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI united the nation, with individuals such as Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI and SEN no Rikyu being ordered to commit seppuku as a form of punishment.
During the Azuchi-Momoyama period a facility called Taiko Gesui (or called Sewari Gesui, sewari sewer, stone built sewer ditches) was built near Osaka castle by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI and is used even now.
Ryukyu Awamori, which was called kusu (old awamori) as nanbanshu, unique liquors and herb liquors from China and Korea such as kuwazake (rice wine with mulberry), rice wine with ginger, oseishu (rice wine with Japanese Solomon's seal), hatchinshu (Eight unique sake), chomeishu (Longevity sake), nindoshu (Lonicera sake), jioshu (Rehmannia root sake), ukogishu (Siberian Ginseng sake) and torinshu (black soybean sake), as well as wine from Europe were imported through overseas trade by powerful Daimyo (Japanese feudal lord) such as Nobunaga ODA, Masamune DATE, and Yoshishige OTOMO, and the trade with countries in South Seas mainly Spain and Portugal by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI.
慶長3年(1598年) 豊臣秀吉はこのとき諸国の銘酒を献上させた。
It was held in 1598; at this time, famous sake of various provinces were presented to Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI.
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