

「豊臣 軍 家」を含む英語表現検索結果
Biographies of busho (Japanese military commander), 30 volumes (concerning the Ashikaga Shogun family, the Oda clan, the Toyotomi clan, and the Tokugawa Shogun family, although the last volume has a table of contents only)
In Osaka no Eki, because of the splendid performance by Nobushige SANADA, etc., Morichika could have no part to play (there is a view that guard of the Sanadamaru was conducted by Nobushige SANADA and Morichika jointly), but, in Osaka no Eki, he led the main-force units of twenty thousand together with Shigenari KIMURA, who was a key vassal of the Toyotomi family, and fought with Takatora TODO of the Tokugawa family.
When Mitsunari ISHIDA raised an army in Osaka, Geni declared himself the guardian of Hideyori TOYOTOMI and remained at Osaka while secretly informing Ieyasu about Mitsunari's army, despite the fact that he supported the Western Army and had signed a denunciation of Ieyasu.
Since being a favored daimyo of TOYOTOMI, then he feared that Ieyasu considered him dangerous, he stayed and guarded Edo Castle during the Fuyu no Jin (the Winter War in Osaka) from 1614 and served the second Shogun Hidetada TOKUGAWA during the Natsu no Jin (the Summer War in Osaka) in 1615.
And, with respect to Ieyasu TOKUGAWA during the Battle of Sekigahara, both Yoshitaka and Masamoto were vassals under the Toyotomi family with no master-servant relationship between them, belonging to the East as allies.
At this point, the advance contingent of allied forces under Toyotomi, consisting of 6,000 troops, including Hidehisa SENGOKU, Motochika CHOSOKABE, Nobuchika CHOSOKABE and Masayasu SOGO, landed in Kyushu as reinforcements to the beseiged Otomo clan, and encamped across the Ono-gawa River facing Iehisa's camp.
In Bungo, the forces of Yoshihiro and Iehisa were forced to withdraw while being pursued by the Otomo army, knowing that Toyotomi's army had landed.
挟撃される形となり窮地に追い込まれた織田・徳川連合であったが、殿 (事用語)を務めた池田勝正・明智光秀・豊臣秀吉・徳川康らの働きもあり、なんとか京に逃れた(金ヶ崎の戦い)。
This pincer attack pushed the Oda and Tokugawa allied forces into a corner, but they could escape to Kyoto partly because of the rear guards such as Katsumasa IKEDA, Mitsuhide AKECHI, Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI and Ieyasu TOKUGAWA (the Battle of Kanagasaki).
While entertaining Ieyasu, Nobunaga was asked to dispatch reinforcements by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI who was engaged in attacking Bicchu Takamatsu-jo Castle.
Yorifusa surrendered to the invasion army of Kyushu by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI; however he obtained Shoryo Ando (act of providing authorization for land ownership and guaranteeing feudal tenure) through negotiations by the vassal Nagatomo FUKAMI, so that he managed to exist as a feudal lord.
Per the plan, he fought Shimazu's army in the Battle of Hetsugi-gawa River, and Toyotomi's army suffered a serous defeat, resulting in many deaths of powerful military commanders such as Nobuchika CHOSOKABE, Motochika's legitimate son, and Masayasu SOGO.
After the fall of Ashikaga Shogun, Mototsuna KUTSUKI served for Nobunaga ODA and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, kept possessing his territory, and maintained the family name as a daimyo (Japanese feudal lord).
それは豊臣方右翼として真田、左翼として毛利勝永を四天王寺・茶臼山古墳 (大阪市)付近に陣形し射撃戦と突撃を繰り返し康の陣形に対し本陣を孤立させ、明石全登の軽騎兵団を迂回させ康本陣を横撃させるというものだった。
It was to deploy Sanada's army as the right wing and Katsunaga MORI's army as the left wing of Toyotomi's side around Chausuyama Tumulus at Shitenno-ji Temple (Osaka City), repeat the firefight and offensive in order to isolate the headquarters of Tokugawa's army, and send light cavalry troops of Takenori AKASHI get around to attack the headquarters of Ieyasu from the side.
After this, Ieyasu gathered his military forces to defeat Mitsuhide AKECHI and advanced them up to Owari Province, and there, he knew that Mitsuhide had already been defeated by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, who had returned from the Chugoku region.
Ieyasu's troops participated in the attack together with those of Hideyoshi (the Siege of Odawara).
However, the land that had been directly controlled by Taiko Hideyoshi, which had been included in daimyo's territories, was lost together with the territories of the daimyo on the western side, because the land was distributed as rewards based on the levels of accomplishments in the war.
Taking this opportunity, Ieyasu declared a war with the Toyotomi clan for the reason that the Toyotomi clan increased forces by recruiting ronin (master-less samurai).
The decrees having been issued for awarding ranks and for appointing posts to Ieyasu TOKUGAWA were lost (recorded in the article on May 8 (in the old calendar), 1645, of Tokugawa Jikki), and those that are now stored in Tosho-gu Shrine are the documents that were obtained through requesting the Imperial court to re-issue them in 1645, and there is a possibility that the name of Toyotomi was changed to Minamoto when re-issuing them.
By that incident, Hidetada exposed throughout the country his incompetence in the military affairs, which made Ieyasu grow pessimistic about the future of the Tokugawa family after his death, and although Ieyasu originally intended to make Tokugawa and Toyotomi families coexist in accordance with the last wishes of Hideyoshi, he abandoned that intention and chose to abolish the Toyotomi family so that he could be freed from anxiety about the future.
Conflict between the Toyotomi and the Tokugawa families occurred, but in the same year, Hideyori married Senhime (a granddaughter of Ieyasu, her mother was Sugenin, a younger sister of Yodo-dono), the daughter of Hideyori who was the second shogun and he was appointed to udaijin (minister of the right) in 1605.