

「豊臣 秀吉 時代」を含む英語表現検索結果
The Shimo Reizei family had maintained a close relationship with Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI from their time in Harima, and Hideyoshi actively cooperated in restoring their fortunes.
In the era of Nobunaga ODA, the family returned to the capital, but in 1586, when Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI was appointed Kanpaku Dajodaijin (imperial regent and grand minister), was punished by Imperial order and sent back to the provinces.
Although the castle was destroyed in the great Fushimi earthquake, it was quickly reconstructed, and became a symbol of the prosperity of Hideyoshi in the Toyotomi Period, with the town becoming an important administrative center.
The fact that the period of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI is known as the Momoyama Period is said to derive from these peach trees.
Harusue KIKUTEI in the Azuchi-Momoyama Period and the early part of the Edo Period assumed the position of Udaijin and he was famous for having suggested the appointment to Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor) to Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI and worked as a promoter and coordinator in the imperial court.
The surname, Toyotomi, was a honsei (original name of the clan which indicate its lineage) given to Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, who became Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor) and took control of the political power in the Tensho period.
The Kinoshita clan was the family home of Kodai-in, the lawful wife of Hideyoshi, and among the daimyo families, this was the only clan which maintained the TOYOTOMI no Ason as its honsei (original name) through the Edo period.
During the time of Norifusa AKAMATSU, the son of Yoshisuke, the clan became a Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI's retainer, and it was cast down to be a minor daimyo (feudal lord) with the stipend of only 10,000 koku crop yield as of 1583.
During the era of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, it survived as the daimyo of Akita Domain in Dewa Province with a stipend of 52,404 koku crop yield (in addition, as daikan of the directly controlled land by Hideyoshi, it received a stipend of 26,245 koku crop yield), and took charge of supplying cedar panels for the construction of the Fushimi-jo Castle as well as in the Bunroku-Keicho War.
金具師松井氏 ; 金具師・松井弥三郎が豊臣秀吉から200石の知行を受け、徳川家康の大御所時代に駿河国駿府に屋敷をたまわり100石を給せられた。
The chaser Matsui clan: a chaser Yasaburo MATSUI was given chigyo (enfeoffment) 200 koku (36.078 cubic meters of rice) by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, and later, he was given a residence in Sunpu, Suruga Province as well as 100 koku (18.039 cubic meters of rice) by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA who had already retired at that time.
Munetoshi served Hisahide MATSUNAGA in the Sengoku period, however his clan gradually dwindled as his master Hisahide was destroyed by Nobunaga ODA, and he forfeited 2,000 koku (360.78 cubic meters of rice) of his territory on charge of hiding rice fields when Taiko Kenchi (Hideyoshi Toyotomi's nationwide land survey) was held.
In the Azuchi Momoyama period, Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI set up Otsu-hyakuso-sen (a hundred ships in Otsu) for funamochi (owners of boats) in Otsu, put them under the control of the ship superintendent at Kannon-ji Temple and protected them with special privileges.
The name 'Kamishichiken' (literally meaning 'upper seven houses') originated from this fact, and Kamishichiken has prospered as a hanamachi, with close ties to Nishijin, ever since Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI held a large tea ceremony in Kitano in the Momoyama period and greatly praised the dumpling cake the tea house served.
The hanamachi was said to have been transferred to Nijo-matenokoji by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI in the Momoyama period and to the area near Rokujo in the Edo period; it was referred to as 'Rokujo-misuji Town,' having produced renowned geisha such as Yoshino-dayu (Geisha Yoshino with the honorary suffix 'dayu' for geisha added).
The name 'Kamishichiken' (literally meaning 'upper seven houses') originated from this fact, and Kamishichiken has prospered as a hanamachi, with close ties to Nishijin, ever since Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI held a large tea ceremony in Kitano in the Momoyama period and greatly praised the dumpling cake served by the teahouse.
The hanamachi was said to have been transferred to Nijo Madenokoji (called 'Nijo Yanagimachi') by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI in the Azuchi-Momoyama period.
The Heian-kyu Palace once stood here, but the palace site, known as 'Uchino,' was overgrown with weeds, and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, developed and improved Uchino when he built Jurakudai (Hideyoshi's residence and office in Kyoto) near the area, as the samurai residence in the Azuchi Momoyama period, creating the origin of 'Goban-cho.'
It was the natural sandbank floating in the wetland called Oguraike Pond, but Uji-gawa River was renovated due to the construction of Fushimi-jo Castle of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI during the Azuchi-Momoyama period.
Ogura-ike Pond was transformed through time by various civil engineering works including banking during the construction of Fushimi-jo Castle by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI and, ultimately, it was converted to farmland by the land reclamation project that took place between 1933 and 1941.
The area was developed by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, and samurai residences had been built around, but it fell into ruin in the early Edo period.