【HEINZ×Cheer up! English】英語でクッキング!Vol.01
「英語学習というと、なんとなく敷居が高い」「重い腰が上がらない」「楽しく英語を学びたい」……そんな女性たちにオススメしたいのが「英語レシピ」でチャレンジするクッキング! 英語力も料理の腕も上がって一石二鳥です。そこでCheer up! Englishでは、ケチャップや洋風クッキングソースでおなじみのグローバル食品メーカー『ハインツ』の公式レシピを英訳してご紹介!
Bolognese Meat Sauce
Preparation period: 60 minutes
Calories: 711 Kcal (Calculated per person)
Salt content: 3.0g
調理時間: 60 分
カロリー: 711 kcal (1人分換算)
塩分量: 3.0g
【Ingredients (For 6 people)】
500g of Pork mince (Choose one with more mixture of lean meat)
1 (200g) Onion
½ (100g) Carrot
2 cloves of Garlic
1 can (400g) of Cut tomatoes
600g of Spaghetti
1 can of Heinz demi-glace sauce
3 tablespoons of Heinz tomato ketchup
100 ml of red wine
100 ml of water
Grated cheese (As much as you like)
2 teaspoons of salt
1/3 teaspoon of black pepper
2 tablespoons of olive oil
豚ひき肉(赤身が多いもの) | 500g |
たまねぎ | 1個(200g) |
にんじん | 1/2本 |
にんにく | 2かけ |
カットトマト | 1缶(400g) |
スパゲッティ | 600g |
ハインツ デミグラスソース | 1缶(290g) |
ハインツ トマトケチャップ | 1缶(50g) |
赤ワイン | 100ml |
水 | 100ml |
粉チーズ | 適量 |
塩 | 小さじ2 |
こしょう | 小さじ1/3 |
オリーブオイル | 大さじ2 |
How to cook
1. Chop onion, carrot, and garlic into fine pieces
2. Add olive oil and chopped garlic into a fry pan. Heating them with low fire until an aroma comes out. Then add up onions and carrots.
3. Add pork mince into a fry pan with mixed ingredients from no. 2. Keep frying until the color of the mince changed, then pour in red wine and keep simmering for 3-4 minutes so that all alcohol content gets evaporated.
4. Add cut tomatoes, demi-glace sauce , tomato ketchup, and water into the mince from no.3. Once all ingredients are boiling, reduce heat to low. Keep simmering a sauce for up to 30 minutes so that the mixture will be blended altogether. Season a sauce with salt and black pepper.
5. Boil water in a pot (put in salt at around 1% of the hot water), then put in spaghetti. Keep stirring spaghetti until water are boiling once again. Put boiled spaghetti into a basket.
6. Put the sauce from no.4 and boiled spaghetti from no.5 into a fry pan proportionately with the number of people. While warming the ingredients in a pan, seasoning more salt and black pepper in addition of the portion as specified in this recipe.
7.Put cooked spaghetti in a serving plate. Top with grated cheese.
★One point tip from Heinz Chef
•Through frying vegetables and mince meat steadily, alcohol content of red wine will be completely evaporated.
This tip will make the dish more delicious.
•When putting the sauce altogether with the spaghetti, add up butter (10g for one person) or fresh cream (10ml for one person) in to the sauce.
That will make the meat sauce creamier and thicker.
●ハインツHP http://heinz.jp/
ハインツ公式レシピを英訳! 「ベジタブルロールのビーフシチュー」
ハインツ公式レシピを英訳! 「簡単! 本格クリームシチュー」
ハインツ公式レシピを英訳! 「コーンのコロコロクリームコロッケ」
レシピ提供/ハインツ 翻訳/Mason 構成・文/齋藤悦子(編集部)