

"Sushi Book" (1970) written by Osamu SHINODA described that preserved food of fish meat of hill folks in Southeast Asia was the origin of sushi, and was developed as a means of preservation of fish which was seldom available due to the highlands.
In the 1970s, sushi had a burst of popularity mainly on the West Coast of the United States, and the 'California roll' developed under such circumstance had a great success and was brought back also to Japan.
(In addition to conventional soprano, it developed three types of taishogoto, alto, tenor and bass, in the latter half of the 1970's.)
His last performance was the role of Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA in Kyoto Minamiza theater's kaomise kogyo "Shogun Edo wo saru" (Shogun leaving Edo) in December 1970.
In 1970, Award of the Japan Art Academy.
The Kyoto Photographers' Society (KPS), an organization for professional photographers in Kyoto Prefecture, was founded in 1970.
In the 1970's, Fukuoka Prefecture Police proposed a policy which did not accept a change of ownership; but later, the street stall business representatives negotiated with the Fukuoka Prefecture Police; thus in 1973, they were able to compromise and have change in ownership accepted, based on certain conditions.
The Nagara ryu-style danjiri dance performance was broadcast on MBS (Mainichi Broadcasting System., Inc.) on the eve of the opening of the Japan World Exposition in 1970, which was before the dragon dance began to receive a special treatment.
However, through the jizake (local sake) boom which occurred in the mid-1970s, consumers who looked for seishu of higher quality gradually increased, which caused the increased production of honjozoshu (a sake brewed with rice of polishing ratio not exceeding 70 % as main material and distilled alcohol of as auxiliary material not exceeding 10 % of rice by weight) with less added alcohol and no added sugar and of junmaishu which was the original Japanese sake.
Many criticisms developed against these new theories published in the same period, and from December 1970 (?) to November of the following year, the discussions about the theories were held four times in Mainichi Newspapers.
Sushi created a big boom on the west coast of the United States in the 1970s, and in particular, 'Californian roll' born out of the boom became quite popular and was reimported to Japan.
Examples of these include a gang action film 'Ankokugai no Taiketsu' (The Last Gunfight), directed by Kihachi OKAMOTO in 1960) which was released one year before "Yojinbo", and a gangster parody film 'Nippon-ichi no Yakuzaotoko' (1970, directed by Kengo FURUSAWA) which was released nine years after "Yojinbo" are other examples.
例としては本作の前年に公開されたギャング・アクション映画「暗黒街の対決」(1960年 岡本喜八監督)や、本作の9年後に公開された任侠パロディ映画「日本一のヤクザ男」(1970年 古澤憲吾監督)などが挙げられる。
Daiei Motion Pictures produced a movie, "Zatoichi to Yojinbo"(Zatoichi and a Bodyguard, directed by Kihachi OKAMOTO in 1970) in which Shintaro KATSU played the lead and Toshiro MIFUNE appeared in it as a bodyguard dressed in a similar way as he was in "Yojinbo."
勝新太郎主演の大映映画に『座頭市と用心棒』(1970年 岡本喜八監督)があり、三船敏郎が同じような衣装で用心棒として登場する。
In the same year as "Zatoichi to Yojinbo", the film "Machibuse" (Ambush) was released (1970, produced by Mifune Production, distributed by Toho and directed by Hiroshi INAGAKI), co-starring the five big-stars Toshiro MIFUNE, Shintaro KATSU, Yujiro ISHIHARA, Kinnosuke NAKAMURA and Ruriko ASAOKA.
さらに同年、今度は三船プロ製作・東宝配給による、三船敏郎、勝新太郎、石原裕次郎、中村錦之助、浅丘ルリ子の5大スター共演映画『待ち伏せ』(1970年 稲垣浩監督)。
It is assumed that it was the effect of "Ogon batto" and "Superman," but the traditional chanbara style fighting with swords remained intact and a blending of Japanese and Western styles appeared in 1970's that a hero wore wrapping cloth cape as well as a sword in his waist.
Hideo MATSUKAWA (nine times in total; three terms since 1965, 1970, four terms since 1979, 1984)
In order to produce ginjo-shu, improvements in various fields such as rice polishing and other technologies in addition to yeasts are required, and then in the 1970's, a breakthrough in temperature control technology in the Nihonshu moromi-zukuri (preparation of final mash) process and realization of new yeasts such as Sake yeast kyokai No.7 and Sake yeast kyokai No.9 enabled brewers to produce Nihonshu ginjo-shu and junmai (sake brewed with only rice, water, and koji without additives) ginjo-shu.
Just as described, Mizuko was a notion that included not only dead fetuses, but also children who have died during their infancy or in early childhood; however, due to the explosive increase of abortion in Japan after the war, the meaning which is used in the present day began to take hold as the custom of mizuko kuyo (a mass for a body lost through miscarriage or abortion) spread from around 1970s.
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