英検®にチャレンジしよう!準1級の練習問題 – 長文QA

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Cheer up! Englishでは英検®を受ける方におススメの学校・レビューをご紹介




英検®準1級リーディング大問3 長文問題

Read the passage and choose the best answer from among the four choices for each question.



 Like many other Western foods, the origin of crepes, or thin pancakes, dates back at least to Ancient Rome. Romans made crepes from cereal flour and water to cook on a hot stone. In France though, it is said that crepes were created in the 13th century when a housewife accidentally dropped a little porridge on a hot cooktop, which turned out delicious.

 Romans ate crepes during a festival called Lupercalia, which was held every year on February 15, to purify the city and promote fertility. In Roman mythology, Romulus, the founder of the city of Rome, was abandoned with his twin brother when they were small babies. The infants were then found and cared for by a female wolf in a cave called Lupercal. Later, local shepherds rescued them and raised them as their own. Romulus eventually found the city of Rome above Lupercal.

 Historians disagree on whether Lupercalia, the festival name, is originated from that of the cave. However, the image of a female wolf nursing human babies fits in with the theme of fertility. Today, French people eat crepes during carnival, a Christian festival that coincides with Lupercalia.


(1) According to the text, which is true about the origin of crepes?
1 There are multiple explanations.
2 Crepes were invented by a famous French chef.
3 Pancakes were invented in ancient Rome and crepes were created in the Middle Ages in France.
4 Crepes were invented in Italy in the 13th century.


(2) In the Roman mythology, how did the founder of Roman grow up?
1 He ordered some local shepherds to take care of himself and his brother.
2 Romulus found, nursed and raised him.
3 He lived with a wolf to get wolf power.
4 He and his brother were abandoned, but they were helped by a wolf and shepherds.


(3) What is a common point between Lupercalia and Carnival?
1 They are both Christian festivals.
2 They are originated in ancient Rome.
3 They are celebrated about the same time of year.
4 They both celebrate wolves.



(1) 1 There are multiple explanations.


(2) 4 He and his brother were abandoned, but they were helped by a wolf and shepherds.
-3 一時オオカミと暮らしたことは書かれているが、オオカミのパワーを得るためという記述はない。


(3) 3 They are celebrated about the same time of year.







* the impressive insectsはdragonfliesの言い換え。直訳すれば「この素晴らしい昆虫は」


(1) 本文によれば、クレープの起源について正しいのはどれか。
1 複数の説がある。
2 クレープは有名なフランス人のシェフによって考案された。
3 パンケーキは古代ローマで考案され、クレープは中世フランスで創られた。
4 クレープは13世紀にイタリアで考案された。


(2) ローマ神話では、ローマの創設者はどのように育ったとあるか。
1 彼は地元の羊飼いに命令し、自分と兄弟の世話をさせた。
2 ロムルスは彼を見つけ、世話をし、育てた。
3 彼はオオカミの力を得るためにオオカミと一緒に暮らした。
4 彼と兄弟は捨てられたが、オオカミと羊飼いに助けられた。


(3) Lupercalとカーニヴァルの共通点は何か。
1 どちらもキリスト教の祭りである。
2 古代ローマに起源がある。
3 一年の同じころに行われる。
4 どちらもオオカミを祭る。







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