


① 20代中ごろの男女の愛情表現(ハッピーエンド)


♠:We have been seeing each other for some time. I think we’ve had a great time together, right?

僕らは、もうしばらくの間付き合っているよね。そして、とても楽しかったよね? (この場合、see each otherとは、男女の真剣なお付き合いを表す。)


♦:Yeah, we sure have. By the way, going back to the days when we first met, what did you think of me? 



♠:Well, I was attracted to your beautiful eyes. You know, I’ve had my eyes on you for some time before we actually met through our mutual friend.  

君の美しい瞳に魅かれたな。お互いの友人に紹介してもらう前から、君の事はずっと気になっていたんだ。(人種を問わず瞳を褒めるのは女性に喜ばれる。have my eyes on you:気になっていた)


♦:My friend told me at that time that you are really a nice guy. And now I know that she was right.



♠:At this point in time, I wanna tell you something. 



♦:OK, I am ready. 



♠: If you choose me to be your guy for life, I will be committed to you forever. You know I am the right guy for you.

もし君が僕の事を一生の伴侶と思うのなら僕も永久的に君に仕えるよ。僕が君に最適な男だという事は分かっているよね。(男性は、You are my girlではなくI am your guyというように受身にして女性を立てるのがマナー)


♦:Well, what makes you think I am the right girl for your life.

でも、私が貴方にとって最適ってどうして思うの?(what makes you thinkwhy


♠:First, I am deeply in love with you. Second, I am just happy being next to you all the time.



♦:I just cannot think of anyone else in my life other than you.



♠:Same with me. We are now coming to a point we must decide where we are going from here.

僕だって同じだ。これから先、どうするかを考えなくてはならないね。(where we are going from here:「どうするか」は常套句)


♦:You are intelligent and always forgiving to me and others around us.



♠:Whenever I am with you, it’s very relaxing and I can always be myself.

僕は君といる時はリラックスできて、自分でいられる。(be myself:自分でいられる、素の自分を出せる)


♦:Well, you are very sweet and have a big heart.



♠:I truly believe we are going to have a wonderful life together.




① 20代中ごろの男女の愛情表現(ハッピーエンド)


② 20代中ごろの男女の愛情表現(バッドエンド)


③ 親子間での愛情表現
