英検®にチャレンジしよう!準1級の練習問題 – 長文QA

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Cheer up! Englishでは英検®を受ける方におススメの学校・レビューをご紹介




英検®準1級リーディング大問3 長文問題

Read the passage and choose the best answer from among the four choices for each question.


Cheesecake is a safe choice when it comes to bring a cake to someone you don’t know very well. Even if the person is on diet or if they don’t appreciate a dessert that is so sweet, a good cheesecake would always be acceptable. There is certainly sugar and fat in it but less than other cakes such as chocolate cake with butter cream frosting or white cake with coconut.

We can find many different types of cheesecakes around the world. It appears that countries who have traditionally consumed dairy products have each developed their own unique recipes. Then where does the origin of cheesecake lie? The earliest known cheesecake was created by the ancient Greeks with fresh cheese and honey. At that time this food was highly valuated as a significant source of energy. It was served even at the first Olympic Games for athletes in the 8th century BC.

Eventually, Jews adopted this savory cake either through the Greeks or the Romans. However, we had to wait until the 19th century to see “New York style cheesecake” that we enjoy today become popular, spanning across the globe. It was Jewish immigrants from southern and eastern Europe who, arriving in the U.S., created the famous recipe, a baked mixture of cream cheese, sour cream, eggs, vanilla and sugar. Today, the U.S. has more variations of cheesecake recipes than any other places.


(1) Why would cheesecake be a good choice to bring to a new acquaintance?
1 Because it would not offend most people.
2 Because it would cost less than other cakes.
3 Because it would not cause an allergic reaction.
4 Because it would give enough energy to someone on a diet.


(2) According to the text, which is true about cheesecake?
1 People eat cheesecake on a daily basis in many countries.
2 In ancient Greece, they ate cheesecake to lose weight.
3 It is a tradition in Greece to celebrate one’s birthday with cheesecake.
4 Cheesecake once helped people get enough vitality for vigorous activities.


(3) What kind of cheesecake has become popular today all over the world?
1 Sweet cheesecake invented by Greek immigrants in the U.S.
2 Baked cheesecake created by expatriates from Eastern and Southern Europe.
3 Modern cheesecake appreciated by American athletes to improve their performance.
4 Cheesecake quickly served for business people who don’t like to wait.



(1)1 Because it would not offend most people.


(2)4 Cheesecake once helped people get enough vitality for vigorous activities.

第二段落最後の2文で、当時チーズケーキは貴重なエネルギー源であり、そのためにオリンピック選手に供せられたとある。エネルギーをvitality、オリンピックをvigorous activitiesと言い換えた選択肢4が正解。
第二段落2行目のdairy product(乳製品)のdairyと選択肢1 daily(毎日の)を混同しないよう注意。


(3) 2 Baked cheesecake created by expatriates from Eastern and Southern Europe.
本文第三段落目3行目の終わりから6行目の初めまでに答えがある。Jewish immigrant をexpatriateと言い換え、「ベークした」チーズケーキとした選択肢2が正解。






やがてこの味わい深いケーキは、ギリシャ人かローマ人を通じてユダヤ人に伝わった。 しかし、今日私たちがおいしく食べている「ニューヨーク・チーズケーキ」が人気を博し、世界中に広まったのは19世紀になってからだ。南ヨーロッパや東ヨーロッパからアメリカにやってきたユダヤ人移民が、クリームチーズ、サワークリーム、卵、バニラ、砂糖を混ぜて焼くあの有名なレシピを作り出したのである。現在アメリカには、チーズケーキのバリエーションが世界のどこよりも多い。







英検®は、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の登録商標です。このコンテンツは、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の承認や推奨、その他の検討を受けたものではありません。


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