英検®にチャレンジしよう! 準2級の練習問題 – 長文読解2 –
攻略ポイントはここ! 英検®合格への道しるべ

Cheer up! Englishでは英検®を受ける方におススメの学校・レビューをご紹介
英検®準2級筆記 大問3-A
Friends in Need
Ken and Jun have known each other since they were in kindergarten. They stayed close in primary school though their friends sometimes wondered how they could be friends as they had so many differences: Ken ( 1 ) and Jun was always quiet, and he liked reading. When they entered high school, they grew apart because Ken was busy with his soccer club, and Jun was busy with chess. Jun had good academic records in all subjects but PE, but Ken didn’t seem interested in studying at all.
When the final year of high school began, Ken was worried. He had been running after soccer balls all those years and was not ready for his university entrance exam. He had serious problems with math. Then he remembered how well Jun had helped him understand math while they were at primary school. He wondered if his friend would help him again. He wanted to call him but didn’t know what to say. They hadn’t talked for months. Finally, he decided to send a message: “How are you?”. Immediately, Jun answered: “Fine. And you?” Ken called Jun, and they talked as if ( 2 ). Jun agreed to help Ken with math, and Ken agreed to give Jun swimming lessons in return because Jun was worried about his PE records.
1 was an active sportsman
2 didn’t talk much
3 loved classical music
4 helped his family a lot
1 they hadn’t spoken to each other for long time
2 they had studied well for three years
3 they had never stopped chatting
4 they hadn’t studied well at school
タイトルのFriends in Needは”A friend in need is a friend indeed”「まさかの友は真の友」から取っている。”friend in need”で「助け舟」と訳されることもある。
(1) 1 was an active sportsman
直前にthey had so many differencesとある。
また、直後にはJun was always quiet, and he liked readingとある。
日本語では「クラシック音楽」というが、英語ではclassical music
(2) 3 they had never stopped chatting
直前にas if(あたかも)があるので、現実とは違うことを入れる。
1 活動的なスポーツマンだった
2 あまり話さなかった
3 クラシック音楽が好きだった
4 家族の手伝いをたくさんした
1 彼らはお互いに長い間話をしなかった
2 彼らは三年間よく勉強した
3 彼らはおしゃべりをやめたことがなかった
4 彼らは学校でよく勉強しなかった
ライタープロフィール●外国語人 | |
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英語、フランス語、外国語としての日本語を教えつつ、語学力に留まらない読む力、書く力を養成することが必要であると痛感。ヨーロッパで15年以上暮らし、とりあえず帰国。この世界の様々な地域で日常の中に潜む文化の違いが面白くて仕方がない。子育て、犬育て中。TOEIC®985点 |
※英検®は、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の登録商標です。このコンテンツは、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の承認や推奨、その他の検討を受けたものではありません。