英検®にチャレンジしよう! 準2級の練習問題 – 長文読解7–
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英検®準2級長文問題 大問4-B
Animal Learning
Animals can do certain things without learning when they are born. Calves*1 and ducklings*2 stand up soon after their birth. A joey*3 can enter its mother's pouch*4 without help. These essential skills for survival don’t seem to need any training. However, there are things that animals must learn. Education is important not only for humans but also for other animals.
Young animals often learn by observing or through trial and error. For example, lion cubs*5 begin to observe their mother's hunting when they are only 6 weeks old. Adult chimpanzees let the younger ones try to open a nut, and the adults don’t correct them even when they are doing it wrong.
On the other hand, there are animals who actively teach their young. Meerkats are mammals*6 that live in the southern part of Africa. They live in groups that consist of two to thirty adults. They eat insects, eggs, small birds, plants and seeds. In zoos, they also eat fruits and vegetables. In nature, they sometimes eat scorpions. Now you can easily imagine what would happen if they let their young members try and fail to eat scorpions, so there is no way that their education can be the same as that of chimpanzees! Then how do they educate the young?
Adult meerkats begin by bringing dead scorpions to their young ones. Then they give them weakened scorpions. If the young pass the test, they will be given more and more live scorpions. Thanks to their successful education, meerkats are abundant in savannahs*7. However, their life isn’t easy. In recent years, there have been more and more droughts and floods, which make it difficult for them to survive.
*1 calves: 子牛calfの複数形
*2 ducklings: アヒルのヒナducklingの複数形
*3 joey: カンガルーの子
*4 pouch: (ここでは)カンガルーの母親のポケット
*5 cubs: (熊やライオンなど肉食動物の)子cubの複数形
*6 mammals: 哺乳類mammalの複数形
*7 savannahs: サバンナsavannahの複数形
(1) When animals are born…
1 …they know already everything to survive and quite independent.
2 …they know nothing and adults have to teach them everything.
3 …they have already some important skills but still need education.
4 …calves and ducklings know how to survive but joeys don’t.
(2) What do we learn about lions and chimpanzees from the text?
1 Lion cubs begin to hunt with their mother when they are 6 weeks old.
2 Adult chimpanzees don’t help young ones to open a nut.
3 Lion cubs sometimes eat nuts before learning how to hunt.
4 Young chimpanzees observe adults very carefully to learn how to hunt.
(3) What do we learn about meerkats from the text?
1 They educate their young ones in the same way as chimpanzees do.
2 They eat many different things in nature.
3 Adult meerkats have to survive alone.
4 They eat scorpions in zoos.
(4) Meerkats’ education is …
1 …successful and there are still many meerkats in nature.
2 … is very good but nowadays there are only few meerkats in nature.
3 … not so good as that of lions.
4 … is often given in zoos.
(1) 3 …they have already some important skills but still need education.
1 すべてを知っているわけではない。
2 何も知らないわけではない
(2) 2 Adult chimpanzees don’t help young ones to open a nut.
本文にAdult chimpanzees let the younger ones try to open a nut, and the adults don’t correct them even when they are doing it wrong.とある。
1 ライオンの子は母親が狩りをするのを観察するとあるが、一緒に狩りをするとは言っていない。
(3) 2 They eat many different things in nature.
本文にThey eat insects, eggs, small birds, plants and seeds.とある。次の文でIn zoos, とあるので、その前は動物園でではないと分かる。また、その次にthey sometimes eat scorpions.とあるので、サソリだけ食べているわけではないと分かる。
(4) 1 …successful and there are still many meerkats in nature.
本文でThanks to their successful education, meerkats are abundant in savannahsと言っている。
(1) 動物たちは生まれたとき…
1 …生き延びるための全てを知っていて、かなり自立している。
2 …何も知らず、大人がすべてを教えなければならない。
3 …すでに重要なスキルをいくらか持っているが、まだ教育が必要である。
4 …子牛やアヒルのヒナは生き延びるすべを知っているが、カンガルーの子は知らない。
(2) ライオンやチンパンジーについて、この文章からわかることは何ですか。
1 ライオンの子は6週齢で母親と一緒に狩りを始める。
2 大人のチンパンジーは子どもが木の実の殻を開けるのを手伝わない。
3 ライオンの子は、狩りの仕方を学ぶ前には時に木の実を食べる
4 子どものチンパンジーは、狩りの仕方を学ぶために大人をとても注意深く観察する
1 チンパンジーと同じやり方で子どもを教育する。
2 自然の中では多種多様なものを食べる。
3 大人のミアーキャットは1匹で生き延びなければならない。
4 動物園でサソリを食べる。
(4)ミアーキャットたちの教育は …
1 …うまくいっていて、自然の中にまだ多くのミアーキャットが住んでいる。
2 … 大変良いものだが、今では自然の中にわずかなミアーキャットしかいない。
3 … ライオンたちの教育ほどよくない。
4 … 動物園で行われることが多い。
ライタープロフィール●外国語人 | |
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