英検®にチャレンジしよう!準1級の練習問題 – 長文QA
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英検®準1級リーディング大問3 長文問題
Read the passage and choose the best answer from among the four choices for each question.
Dragon Flies
Dragonflies were the largest insects known to live in the prehistoric era with body length of over 70cm. They predated long before the dinosaurs appeared. It is largely believed that fewer predators and denser oxygen level made possible for prehistoric insects to grow giant.
Modern dragonflies measure only from 2 to 5cm. Even with at the size of your palm, they have been fascinating us for centuries. With their flying abilities, stylish appearance and amazing transformation from an egg in water to majestic ace of the sky, these creatures never fail to stimulate our imagination.
In tombs of ancient Egypt, ceramic dragonfly charms accompanied the dead along with other protective animal charms. Some Irish legends imply that dragonflies are fairies in disguise and you can see their actual shape only from the right angle. Conversely though, in other European folklores, they were associated with the devil and their long bodies were mistakenly taken as a stinger. For most Asian people, the insects have always symbolized positive things such as prosperity and good luck.
Today, the impressive insects, which require stable oxygen levels and clean water, are considered by experts as indicator of the health of an ecosystem in any regions of the world. Furthermore, they are important for the environment as a predator of mosquitoes and prey for birds.
(1) What is true about prehistoric insects?
1 Giant dinosaurs lived mainly on insects.
2 Giant insects could feed on dinosaurs.
3 Dinosaurs protected insects from predators.
4 The air composition is attributed to the size of the insects.
(2) According to the text, what is one reason why we are fascinated by dragonflies?
1 Their way of developing from an egg to their mature state.
2 Their way of perching on our palm.
3 Their ability of hiding and appearing suddenly.
4 Their way of calling the young ones to feed.
(3) How did different traditions treat dragonflies?
1 In many European legends, they were related to devils, except for Irish fairy tales.
2 In ancient Egypt, people believed the insects could be a cause of death.
3 In Asian cultures, the insect generally had negative image.
4 In Europe, they thought the long wings of dragonfly looked like a sting when seen from a certain angle.
(4) Why are dragonflies important for the environment?
1 Because they keep the oxygen levels stable.
2 Because we can evaluate the environment by their existence and numbers.
3 Because they hunt birds that harm important crops for us.
4 Because they consume dirt in water to make it cleaner.
(1) 4 The air composition is attributed to the size of the insects.
- denser oxygen level made possible for prehistoric insects to grow giant.を言い換えている。
(2) 1 Their way of developing from an egg to their mature state.
- transformation from an egg in water to majestic ace of the skyを言い換えている
(3) 1 In many European legends, they were related to devils, except for Irish fairy tales.
(4) 2 Because we can evaluate the environment by their existence and numbers.
- indicator of the health of an ecosystemを言い換えている
* the impressive insectsはdragonfliesの言い換え。直訳すれば「この素晴らしい昆虫は」
(1) 原始時代の昆虫に関して正しいものはどれですか。
1 巨大な恐竜は昆虫を主食としていた。
2 巨大な昆虫は恐竜を食べることもあった。
3 恐竜は昆虫を捕食動物から守った。
4 空気の組成が昆虫の大きさの原因だとされている。
(2) 本文によれば、私たちがトンボに惹かれるひとつの理由は何ですか。
1 トンボが卵から大人の状態に変化する成長の様子
2 トンボの手のひらへの止まり方
3 トンボが隠れたり突然現れたりする能力
4 トンボが餌をやるために子どもを呼ぶやり方
(3) さまざまな伝説はどのようにトンボを扱っていましたか。
1 アイルランドのおとぎ話を除けば、多くのヨーロッパの伝説でトンボは悪魔と関連付けられた。
2 古代エジプトでは、人々はトンボが死の原因になると信じていた。
3 アジア文化では、トンボには一般にネガティブなイメージがあった。
4 ヨーロッパでは、トンボの長い羽根がある角度から見ると針のように見えると思われていた。
(4) なぜトンボは環境にとって重要なのですか。
1 トンボは酸素レベルを一定に保つから。
2 トンボの存在と数によって環境を評価できるから。
3 トンボは人間にとって大切な穀物に害を与える鳥を狩るから。
4 トンボは水中の汚れを食べ、水をきれいにするから。
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